Monday, January 14, 2019

A Peek at 2019

A few highlights of 2018, chronologically: Acting Out Awareness camp, hosting in-service training in my community, climbing Volcán Barú, all of the HIV charlas, going to Batata, accepting my offer to stay a 3rd year in Panama, Courtney and Mara’s visit, building the storage tank with my gente, my despedida from Cerro Gallina, planning regional meeting, going to Kankintú, seeing Dinora, Mayela, and Lucila graduate from high school.

I have so much to look forward to in 2019, you guys! Meeting World Youth Day pilgrims, site development, some in-country travels, welcoming new volunteers, Panama elects a new prez, ringing the gong, two dear friends’ weddings, running my first half marathon in Detroit in October (lol help me), hopefully getting a real professional job and moving somewhere cool?!

It’s scary but also so freaking exhilarating not knowing what I’m going to be doing a year from now! “What are you planning to do in September?” was definitely the most frequent question on my trip, and I was forced to ponder this a bit. My current plan is to find an entry-level environmental engineering job. Grad school is hopefully in my future too, but I want to get some experience in industry first. I have a list of potential cities to live in and I’m getting started with the job search via friends, LinkedIn, and whatnot.

Some other random resolutions/goals:
  • Read an article from the New York Times every day I have access to my computer. There was a holiday deal so I decided to subscribe to the NYT online, and I am loving it so far.
  • No more than half an hour on social media a day (this one is going to be hard)
  • Study for the GRE a bit each day. I hope to take it in September or October.
  • Continue to improve the Regional Leader house for all the current and future PCVs that enjoy this house
  • Visit each of my volunteers in their sites!
  • Dedicate myself wholeheartedly to site development. For two years I reaped what previous RLs, staff members, and community members sowed, and now it is my time to plant. Will post more about what site development entails in a future post
Being in the US was SO NICE and I started to get pretty comfortable during the 4th week, and I didn’t want to come back. I spent one day in my house in San Felix and then really needed to get out to the campo, so I visited Jo and hauled some buckets of sand, drank cowboy coffee, slept in a hammock, bathed in a creek and pooped in a hole and I felt like I was back at home again!

Ships are safe at harbor...but that's not what ships are for.

Wishing you all health, happiness, and success in 2019!
xoxo Sierra

Bonus: some photos ~
Summer: dry grasses and a rain shadow over the mountains
Check out this badass abuela, guys. Beach trip with some gente from Elena's community
Jo and her gente working on their water storage tank
Skiing/boarding Snowmass with Zach, Sophia, and Michael! I am so grateful Peace Corps gifted me this weird and wonderful family.

p.s. watch this video for a pretty darn accurate anthem representing the life of a PCV

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