Adrián laughing at how I freaked out when they shoved their parrot in my face and it started squawking.
Two of my favorite muchachas. Beche, on the left, is my Ngäbe spirit animal.
Manuel and his siblings always love posing for pictures and videos.
Gorgeous waterfall near Cerro Piedra! Day trip with some Peace Corps pals :)
Chidäni, my neighbor, heading back along the ridgeline from Piedra to Gallina.
are going well in Cerro Gallina. My first community-wide meeting didn't go very
well, as I invited 37 families and only seven people showed up, but the second
one went much better. I had at least 20 people there! I also provided a whole cubo
of cacao, which was gulped down quickly. My community wants to meet with me
every three weeks, something that they suggested and I was really impressed
with! Next meeting is on November 8th. I had somewhat of a wakeup
call last Saturday, when during a cacao session a bunch of people called me out
on my slow progress in Ngäbere. I realized that even though I've been studying my Ngäbere manual, I haven't been putting 100% into my
speaking. So now I'm working on throwing in whatever phrases I know into
conversation when possible. People seem to appreciate it!
She has strange colored eyes, skin,
and hair, wears weird Jesus sandals, loves dumping hot sauce on her food and drinking coffee WITHOUT sugar, and
lets cats fall asleep in her lap. What kind of odd human being were we ''lucky'' enough to receive?!
have no shortage of time to wonder what my community thinks about me...
overall, I am feeling good. Muy buena gente here in Gallina. I've been invited to late night cacao drinking sessions, juntas (communal work
days), birthday parties, and a lot of people have asked me about potential
projects. It's still early to tell, but there are at least five
different groups of families spread out throughout the community that have
expressed interest in my help with aqueducts. So it looks like I have WORK
ahead of me! Next week I suppose I am starting some official WASH work, as I volunteered Zach and I to spend a day giving handwashing seminars to the entire
elementary school in Cerro Mesa. I have yet to plan it (shhh) but I love
working with kids so I can't wait!