Monday, August 1, 2016

Foto time

After almost four weeks in country I have finally figured out where I can get an internet signal strong enough to post photos. I just returned from a wonderful visit to Bocas del Toro which I don't have time to write about today but will later, for now, some photos!

My host brother, José Ismael, putting together a puzzle

Panama City skyline

Chelsea reading a dual Spanish/English book to the kids at her site in Bocas. She runs a regular afternoon book club that I got to help out with!

Campo breakfast at Chelsea's home: coffee, coconut water (I macheted the coconut open myself!), mango right from the tree, veggie omelet.

The tiny, wonderful hillside Ngöbe community of Renacimiento, with the Caribbean Sea in the background!

Our waterfall & oh-so-clean swimming hole near Santa Rita

Casco Viejo, Panama City. Beautiful

The Sierra fish at the Mercado de Mariscos (hahaha)

My Ngöbe name: Besi

Edi, Bedi, Chinuare, y Besi in Quebrada Pastor :)

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